Kekoa by Kumano out of Atchafalaya by Alcatraz, owned, bred and ridden by Brittany Payjack.
The Manitoba Chapter re-introduced the CWHBA High Point Young Horse Awards at this year’s show that ran from March 25th to 30th. What great representatives Kekoa and Brittany Payjack were for Canadian Warmblood in the Young Horse Championships at the Manitoba Winter Fair. Kekoa is the Reserve Champion 5 yr old and the recipient of the Top Placing CWHBA 5 yr old award. Congratulations! Also worth mentioning is that his dam Atchafalaya was also showing and placed at the winter fair!

Maverick (Zeno – Volibra III x Calvados) bred by Klondike Victory Farms and owned and ridden by Karly Woods
Rounding out the CWHBA representation were a number of Canadian Warmbloods. Hooz da Kat (Zeno – Beya Cat x Temperanillo), bred, owned and ridden by Lorrie Jamieson, was second in the Manitoba Cup, third in the Atco Cup and ninth in the Wawanesa Insurance Grand Prix. All in all a very good show for her. WKM The Phoenix (Cat Weasel Z – WKM Roxy x Nickolson B) bred by WKM Stables and ridden and owned by Kerry Moore, had three firsts in the .9 and 1 meter jumpers as well as a Team Cup second.
Maverick (Zeno – Volibra III x Calvados) bred by Klondike Victory Farms and owned and ridden by Karly Woods, won the Monday evening Gamblers Choice.

WKM Amelia, by Cat Weasel out of NR Gabrielle by Footloose, bred by WKM Farms, owned and ridden by Kendra Schaeffer Photo By Kara Black
Finally, Kendra Schaeffer and WKM Amelia, 2nd in the Gamblers Choice, 6th in the Horse & Dog Relay and 3rd in the Playnow.com. Congratulations to all for a job well done.
A number of CWHBA approved and licensed stallions were also in evidence.
Rocking the 1.0m and 1.1m jumpers was the lovely young licensed stallion Vesuvio. Very modern fellow with nice form over fences, being ridden by the Manitoba rider Dana Hryshko where he took home a 1st, 2 seconds and a 6th. He was the 6yr old Reserve Champion in the Young Horse Championships being piloted around by again one of Western Manitoba’s talented riders Kelly Campbell.

Vesuvio by Valentino out of Ramira’s Reign by Eastern Ruler, 6yr old KWPN stallion bred and owned by Rob Kerr, ridden by Dana Hryshko and Kelly Campbell
In the open jumpers, ridden by Western Manitoba’s own young adult Abby McLeod, is the powerful Dicontendro. Nothing showcases the temperament of a stallion like being ridden by a young adult and doing well. This very talented team came in 9th in the Atco Cup

Dicontendro by Diarado out of Trezeguet by Contendro, 13 yr old Holsteiner stallion owned by Ingrid Martin and ridden by her granddaughter Abbey Mcleod
Every little girls dream is to own and ride a black stallion, well here he is Jethro Tull, in the open jumpers where he got a 7th in the Manitoba Cup and a 3rd in the Atco Cup.

Jethro Tull by I’m Special De Muze out of Utah G by Voltaire 10 yr KWPN stallion owned by Elysian Farm and ridden by Lorrie Jamieson.